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Laser smile contouring is a great way to get rid of that “gummy smile!” Laser contouring is a non-surgical advanced method for shaping and changing the gum tissue around the teeth to create an esthetic and pleasing shape for your smile.
Unlike traditional dentistry which involves a scalpel and often stitches, the laser is a very small device that contours the gums to shorten the gummy smile, lengthen the appearance of the teeth, and correct uneven gums. Because the laser seals as it moves, there is no need for stitches, there is no bleeding and very minimal recovery or maintenance, and usually takes only one visit.
Laser treatments are a comfortable non-invasive visit and usually require no freezing so you can go on with your day; there is no down time.
We often combine smile contouring with Porcelain Veneers or Professional Teeth Whitening, maximizing the esthetic result to help you achieve an amazing smile!
Are you still unsure of anything? Our team is here to help and answer any questions you might still have.
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