About 4% of children are born with some degree of frenulum restriction, also known as tongue-tie or lip-tie. This means that their tongue and/or lips are attached to the mouth with excessive webbing. This excess tissue impedes the movement of the tongue or lips to various degrees. When this restricted mobility interferes with nursing, bottle feeding, or causes discomfort to mother or child, a laser frenectomy may be recommended for infants.
For children, adolescents and adults who do not undergo frenectomy in infancy, later complications may include: impaired oral hygiene, cavities, difficulty brushing and flossing, orthodontic maladjustments as well as significant speech impediments, and issues of self-esteem.
Laser Frenectomy is the use of a laser beam to detach the frenulum (mouth webbing) from the lips and/or tongue. This may be done with a simple topical anesthetic (no injections necessary) and it is usually completed in about five minutes.
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