Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Schedule a smile Enhancement

About Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Most patients with occlusal disease tend to involuntarily clench and grind causing extensive damage to the teeth or to existing fillings or crowns. If too much tooth is worn and broken down, the inside layer of the tooth becomes exposed and is now susceptible to decay, sensitivity and can lead to root canals. Wear down in the teeth can also cause loss of height in the mouth therefore the lower third of the face can appear short and “squished”. Most clients with occlusal disease find that they appear much older and that their skin and face are aging faster. Loss of height can also cause the muscles in the jaw, neck and head to spasm leading to headaches, migraines and other muscle and body pains.

Our Process

Our job is to show you what we see in your mouth, educate you on your options, and let you make the best decision for yourself. We never push unnecessary treatments and always give you options.


Get in Touch

Give us a call, email or complete the form below to set-up your free consultation to get started with creating your perfect smile.


Initial Consultation

We welcoming anyone for an initial consultation to explore all your treatment options, at no cost or obligation to continue.



Once we’ve established what treatment you’re ready to pursue, we create your perfect smile in only 4 appointments.

Request an

Please fill out the form below, or call 604-256-8294 to ask us a question or book an appointment.


Many people are blessed with an optimal chewing system allowing them to function and chew in a natural way. There are many of us who don’t have an ideal chewing system, and therefore often causing different levels of breakdown to our teeth such as fractures, chipping, wear down and even bone loss. This condition can be known as “Occlusal Disease” or “Bite Disease.”

Occlusal condition is when the teeth do not come together in harmony with the facial muscles and the jaw joints, therefore potentially causing permanent damage to the teeth and jaw joint.

Yes, Poor occlusion can also lead to headaches, migraines, neck, back and facial pain, facial asymmetry and other body pains. There are many people suffering from these aches and pains and are unaware that their mouth could be causing these symptoms.

Most patients with occlusal disease tend to involuntarily clench and grind causing extensive damage to the teeth or to existing fillings or crowns. If too much tooth is worn and broken down, the inside layer of the tooth becomes exposed and is now susceptible to decay, sensitivity and can lead to root canals.

Wear down in the teeth can also cause loss of height in the mouth therefore the lower third of the face can appear short and “squished”. Most clients with occlusal disease find that they appear much older and that their skin and face are aging faster. Loss of height can also cause the muscles in the jaw, neck and head to spasm leading to headaches, migraines and other muscle and body pains.

Excessive wear down and loss of height/length in the teeth can also be caused by acid erosion. Acid reflux, medical conditions causing vomiting, and even excessive consumption of acidic fruits or drinks can cause the enamel (protective layer) on the teeth to dissolve exposing the inner layer of the tooth.

The process for rehabilitation can last anywhere from 2-6 months on average. Records are taken initially to determine the best course of treatment for you personally.

Initially you are given a temporary build up or splint to make your teeth “higher” thus opening your bite up vertically. This splint is in place until you start to feel that that your bite is comfortable and some people even get relief from their headaches and other symptoms, and start to notice a longer more youthful face. Once the bite is stable, we then restore the teeth to match the muscles, joints and bite. This restoration process happens in phases with porcelain crowns and veneers on all the teeth.

Yes, teeth can be restored and cavities and cracks can be repaired without fixing the bite, however, those restorations are likely to fail and not last and ideal length of time. When the bite, teeth and muscles are restored to their natural architecture and ideal height, good function is returned to the teeth to keep the mouth, face and body healthy, young and vital.

Have any

Are you still unsure of anything? Our team is here to help and answer any questions you might still have.