What Can Porcelain Veneers Fix
Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain shells that are attached to your teeth. They can cover up a whole lot of problems that could be eating away at your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry might not be absolutely necessary for your dental health, but the ways in which it can improve your quality of life are worth considering.
After all, if you’re self-conscious about laughing or smiling in company because of your teeth, it can spoil your enjoyment of good times with friends or family, or make you feel uncomfortable when working with business associates and customers.
You keep worrying that they’ll notice that your teeth aren’t as good-looking as you’d like them to be, and that makes you laugh behind your hand or smile with your mouth firmly closed. So, just what problems can dental veneers cover up?
Discoloured Teeth
Although teeth whitening techniques have come a long way in recent decades, there are still types of discolouration that they can’t help with. Porcelain veneers look completely natural, are long-lasting, and cover up the ugly marks that have made you feel bad about your smile.
Talk to your dentist about your concerns and find out whether your teeth can be whitened. If not, porcelain veneers could be the answer to your problem.
Chipped and Broken or Worn-Down Teeth
There are times when repairing chipped, worn, or broken teeth requires the placement of veneers to improve their appearance. If you have chipped or broken teeth, you should see a dentist as soon as possible before decay can set in. If you’re worried about the way you’ll look after the tooth has been mended, talk to your dentist and find out whether dental veneers will leave your teeth looking better.
Skew, Crowded, Twisted, or Gappy Teeth
It’s worth noting that teeth straightening techniques aren’t just for kids. It is, however, easier to straighten out kids’ teeth. If teeth straightening won’t work for you, porcelain veneers can be used to give your teeth a straight, regular appearance, or close up gaps. Your natural teeth will still be skew, but when you smile, your teeth will look straight.
Irregular Teeth
When people smile, we expect to see perfectly matching front teeth. But nature doesn’t always bless us with a perfect match. If your teeth appear asymmetrical, Porcelain veneers can be used to balance out their appearance.
Veneers may not be the only solution, though, so once again, you’ll want to consult with your dentist to find out which treatments could be used to correct the problem.
Getting Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are made to fit you, so the dentist must first prepare your teeth and take impressions of the places where the veneers must fit. When your custom-made dental veneers are ready, your dentist needs to bond them to your natural teeth, so you will pop into the surgery for the final step in the process. You leave the surgery with your best and brightest smile ever!
If you have issues with the way your teeth look, don’t be shy about discussing them with your dentist. We don’t just want your teeth to be healthy, we also want you to feel good about them.