Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment
Some people grind their teeth when they’re asleep. Some people do so when they are awake, and some do both. The habit is called bruxism,
How to Stop Teeth Clenching at Night
Clenching or grinding your teeth at night wears down your teeth, can cause them to break, and can even cause problems with the ligaments that
The Tooth Decay Process: How to Reverse It and Avoid a Cavity
Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease plaguing everyone from children through to seniors, and taking its toll in the form of tooth loss,
Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed
There are many different ideas amongst people about whether or not to remove wisdom teeth. Obviously, if a problem persists then the options become more
7 Health Benefits Of Having Straight Teeth
It has become an accepted fact that dental health not only carries direct benefits for your mouth but also affects your general wellbeing. Untreated tooth
How Can a Smile Makeover Help Me?
It is difficult to imagine doing anything that is absolutely selfish, isn’t it? Or perhaps it isn’t – but it could be difficult to imagine
Overcoming Fear of The Dentist: Causes & Treatments
Dental anxiety is not a joke. In fact, after a survey was done in the United States, the conclusion was that almost 80% of people
The Link Between Migraines And Oral Bacteria
Researchers at the University Of California San Diego School Of Medicine believe they might have found a link between migraines and the composition of our
Who’s A Good Candidate For Smile Makeover?
A 2015 study showed that a staggering 28 percent of people don’t like smiling because they hate the way their teeth look. Back in the
What Is Full Mouth Rehabilitation
While it might sound like a complicated procedure, a full mouth rehabilitation is just a term that refers to a combination of different dental treatments